Patti & Lindas | Virtual Pet Salon

Patti & Lindas Virtual Pet Salon
Welcome to the world’s first virtual pet salon. Get your furry friend’s hair did, printed, framed, and hung on your wall.

custom pet portraits
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Vestibulum tristique odio eu magna suscipit hendrerit. Integer maximus gravida metus rhoncus luctus.
In interdum in nunc id condimentum. Fusce vitae quam posuere, condimentum odio ut, tristique ligula.
Nam rhoncus sit amet sem eget pharetra. Mauris hendrerit, tortor sit amet scelerisque rutrum, mi lorem laoreet diam, nec lacinia magna arcu sit amet felis. Phasellus elit lectus, dapibus sed consectetur eget, venenatis a nisi.
Vivamus massa ipsum, placerat eu eros sed, pretium convallis sem. Donec id aliquam lacus.

The Sheldon Cut
Sheldon (Sheldon Blaine Cheesebrough III) is one serious fashionista. He may appear calm and quiet on the surface, but behind close doors he’s full of spunk. And after a few glasses of sherry, replica rolex yacht master he isn’t afraid to make a comment about your shoes.
Lucky for all of us he’s all bark and no bite… give him a simple compliment on his new scarf and he’ll be right back to giving you tips on how to tie a proper ascot.
The Vance Cut
Vance (Vance Reginald Picupsy) comes from a long line of star track stars. His father’s father’s father is a state champion 5 times over and Vance doesn’t fall far from the tree with over 3 state track championships himself.
But he’s not your average jock. Averaging a 4.9 GPA, Vance is well on his way to his dream of becoming an environment lawyer.